Those who know me well, know that I love to bake. Well and good, but this passion--like all passions--is not without its Dark Side. Today, I've decided to address these culinary Darth Vaders in this blog (but not all at once)--a sort of caution that even in the happy world of sugar and flour, there are weevils waiting to strike.
Darth #1...Baking is a process--perhaps even an art--whose result is a tangible product. Unlike painting or dancing or music or even writing, the result of this art is also edible, and is meant for consumption. My parents brought me up to believe that the missing 11th Commandment--an oversight on Moses' part--is "Thou shalt not waste food, leave food over on thy plate, nor dispose of any of thy leftovers in thy fridge."
So, what to do with the sundry cookies, cakes, pies, muffins, jams, breads etc.? Eating it all--which would be my first choice by a long shot--is impractical and unsightly, now that my formerly locust-like metabolism has slowed down to that of a hibernating hedgehog. Sharing with family and friends would seem to be an obvious solution, but with everyone around here "watching their weight," gifts of baked goods can be seen as undermining, not to mention cruel in a passive/aggressive sort of way.
Freezing is a wonderful option until your freezer is so full that it resembles a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle, and finding anything in it requires the persistence of Columbo.
What's left? Daily bake sales? Mystery packages left at the neighbors' doors in the middle of the night? Fattening up the dog? Suggestions would be welcome.
"Be gladdened if not fattened by your abudance of goodies and skill. I was lamenting just today, as I reached into the supermarket freezer, that I did not even make my kids homemade popsicles--and all that requires is to pout juice into a mold!"
--Ellen Link
I like anonymous's comment.
This sounds like a business opportunity to me.
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